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About Karen

Karen is a registered counsellor with the


  • Australian Counselling Association (ACA)

  • Queensland Guidance and Counselling Association (QGCA)

  • Australian Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools (APACS)


She is a registered teacher with the Queensland College of Teachers (QCT).

karen Stirling counselling maroochydore


Specialising in working with teenagers and their families....

Karen uses a strength-based approach to her counselling and specialises in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Person Centred Counselling or Solution Focussed therapies.


Karen also often employs fun expressive tools as well strength cards to help empower clients with coping skills they can use when facing difficult situations.


Her background includes providing years of support in guidance and counselling to teenagers, giving her a solid understanding about what is most effective for people struggling from various issues including anxiety and depression.


Karen is aware of how important it is for the client to feel comfortable during sessions, leading them to feel empowered rather than just receiving advice.


walk & talk therapy with Karen Counselling Sunshine coast

Karen is based on the beautiful Twin Waters and enjoys walking and paddle boarding around the gorgeous Sunshine Coast.

This has lead to her create

"Walking and Talking Counselling"

-  a popular way of connecting with her teenage clients. She has found this  helpful for those who are not comfortable in a traditional counselling environment or prefer to be active during their sessions.


Karen likes to remind her clients that:

 "It isn't where you came from.

It's where you're going that counts "

Ella Fitzgerald.

Karen's Credentials

 QCoT acreditation for counselling sunshine coast
ACA acreditation for counselling sunshine coast
APACS school counsellor & therapist
qgca for  QCoT acreditation for counselling sunshine coast

• Bachelor of Social Science (Counselling) • Graduate Diploma Education (Secondary) • Certificate IV Training and Assessment • Currently Studying Master of Education (Guidance and Counselling)

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