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Agras T30 drone for agriculture

DJI Drone Packages

Our cost effective DIY drone packages will transform the way you look at farming!

The lightweight design of DJI Agras agricultural drones makes it ideal for spraying operations with chemicals and fertilisers. The drones feature a high-performance battery life that allows it to fly long distances, covering more ground in less time.
Wide Bay Drones are all about enabling farmers to work smarter instead of harder. 

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DJI Agras T30 Drone Packages

The DJI Agras T30 is revolutionising aerial spraying, with a huge 30 litre tank, it is taking spraying efficiency to new heights. The transforming body can be used for more effective spraying, especially on delicate crops like flowers and fruit.

DJI Agras T30 drone packages
DJI Agras T40 drone prices

DJI Agras T40 Drone Packages

Mapping, spraying and spreading, all in one.

This revolutionary drone is built for ultimate precision for your farm operations from surveying, mapping to spraying pesticides over crops while spreading fertilisers around them.


Equipped with the Coaxial Twin Rotor design, enabling it to carry 40kg of spray load and up to 50kg (70L) worth of spread.

To purchase the DJI Agras T40 Drone or for more information

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